Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Larson {Family} - Temecula Family Photographer

We have been friends with the Larson family almost since we moved out to Murrieta. We were very fortunate to have Stefan as some of the boys' soccer coach. Haven't seen them in a little while, so I was happy when Stefan contacted me to take his family picture.
It was a little windy and cold, but we all braved the elements to get some great shots in. We are so blessed to have amazing friends like Stefan and the kids in our life. Even when life gets in the way...it's nice to get together like no time at all has passed.
Stefan wasn't sure about having his picture done by himself...so the kids were making faces behind me to make him crack up.

Brandon has grown into such a fine young man. He was always such a great kid...but now just polite and into so many amazing things at school...can't wait to do Senior Pictures for him next year. He is bound for some great things.

Brookie was so cute...she wanted to do a sassy, hand on her hip pose...so I let her...how cute is she???!!!

After we took "official" pictures...it was just nice to hang out...out of the cold day, catching up.

Can't believe how grown-up Brookie is getting...still all personality!

hope you enjoy their sneek peek <3

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