Monday, July 9, 2012

Alyssa & Brandon {Engagement} ~ wedding photographer

What a story these two crazy love birds have!!! Both were serving missions in New York when they met...served in the same area and became good friends...the time came for Alyssa to leave and the two were faced with "keeping in touch" So they did just that. Brandon went home a few months later and they continued their friendship/courtship and just last week, Brandon came out to California to meet Alyssa's family and he "popped the question"!!!! As we were meeting to talk about their engagement shoot, we were talking more tongue 'n cheek about a New York theme...and somewhere in the conversation came the "Mad Men" 50's style New York romantic theme. Wasn't that a grand time??? The hats, the dresses, the accessories!!!! And these two pulled it off amazingly. Romantic, sexy, chic and sweet all rolled in one love bubble! So enjoy the sneak peek of this lovely couple's engagement session "Mad Men ~ New York" style...

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