Thursday, December 20, 2012

Matthews {Family} ~ Newsletter

As a photographer...I realize that sometimes for my career that I love, sometimes the little things that I do for other families...I tend to lack on my own family. Yes I take lots of pictures of my family...and Facebook has been an easy way to quickly upload and share images with extended family and friends. But...I miss sending out Christmas Cards. I used to take my family's picture and have my cards mailed before Thanksgiving in order to be ready for the Holiday picture taking rush...over the years as my business has grown and my family has become more busy...I have let the Christmas cards for us go to the way side. I feel so bad about it too! I have a door in my entry way, plastered with beautiful cards sent from family and friends all I love seeing them every day - several times a day. Sometimes I stop to read them even though I just read them the day before. sigh... Now, I'm not complaining...AT ALL! I feel so blessed by having a career that I love. Amazing clients! And a family who supports my career this year I put together a little newsletter and shared it on Facebook and here on the blog... I know that 2013 is going to be a wonderful year...and I have to gear up for even more changes coming our way... Here is wishing everyone out there...a very Merry Christmas...a Happy New Year...and blessings where they are needed!

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