Monday, September 20, 2010

I {heart} faces - Week 38 Smirk Photo Challenge generally I don't like to post pictures of myself but it kinda went along with the theme for this weeks photo challenge at I {heart} faces...and I just recently took the viola'! This picture was an assignment from our teacher who wanted us to take a self portrait and edit it using Photoshop and some of the tools she taught us...yes even professional photographers go to school! Gotta keep up with the times...if not, I'd still be using a film camera LOL

So here's my submission for I {heart} faces Week 38's Smirk Photo Challenge - "It's Me"

Click here to see some other fun smirky pictures:


  1. I love your processing - great smirk, too!

  2. Your processing is awesome. Great photo....

  3. I love this shot and before I knew it was you I was telling myself, "Self, she is just too cute!" Love this shot and the editing of it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog-mothers of sons have to stick together!

  4. haha. Your pic made me smile just looking at your smirk. Great to see the photographer in the pic!

  5. As a thumbnail this one got me. Love the look.

  6. LOVE it!!! Looks like a PERFECT "I gotta secret" face! LOL

  7. What a great self-portrait. Love the colors.

  8. Love your picture. Such a fun self portrait.
