Tuesday, February 1, 2011

joy of love ~ {day 1}

ok...I have been so busy taking pictures of everyone else's families, I have negelected my own...
my boys may argue otherwise...they do refer to me as their person stalk-a-ratzie!
but I am generally taking pictures at sporting events, school events, etc
not the everyday stuff.
Besides being a photographer I am an avid scrapbooker {and have been know in the past to do a class or two & design work} but even that has fallen by the wayside since business in my photography business has picked up...not complaining...
so I found a class of sorts online from one of my favorite photog websites: {willette} and she has put together for the month of february a class/challenge where she sends daily assignments to photograph someone you love doing something that is outlined in the daily email from her...
today was the first day, and here is my first submission...

#3 boy...Logan, has been a sickie poo the past day and a half, and thus banished to his bed for rest and recovery...but sick or not, the boy texts his throng of girls
So our assignment for today was to photograph someone we love doing something that they "DO" ~ well, Logan texts! ALL THE TIME!
The room was pretty much pitch black except for the light from his phone.
the settings I used: f/3.8 shutterspeed 1/200th and I amped the ISO to 2500 ~ didn't use the flash...and the room was DARK! I love the "catch light" of sorts in his glasses from his phone LOL! The only editing I did was to clear up a little acne and turned it to black and white...
So...here is my {LOVE} Logan...doing what he "does" ~ texting

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