Thursday, April 14, 2011

Clutch Bouquet from the Sweetest Hubby Ever!

I am coming down the escalator at the airport and see my husband standing there waiting for me to pick me up after my 6 day trip to Utah ~ like he always does :)
Wasn't expecting more than a big hug and a kiss...but I noticed he was holding something behind his back ~ guessing it was flowers (he's sometimes squishy like that)...
Definately wasn't expecting a clutch bouquet of red roses! I seriously started to cry right there! I don't think he was expecting that reaction! LOL
I asked him who he had do the bouquet and he said that he did it himself! He knew that that's how brides have their flowers now-adays and he said it was kinda to go along with the "theme" of my trip to Utah...
Flowers are always nice and so appreciated...but the fact that 1. he thought ahead of time to get them & MAKE the clutch himself and 2. paid attention to detail like that was so AWESOME!
Then he took me to lunch...
Ya...I have to be the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing husband! Just had to brag on my hunny a bit!

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