Monday, January 23, 2012

I {Heart} Faces ~ by the book

I knew exactly the photo for this weeks' challenge...
This sweet little cutie patootie is Harley...Could she be any cuter????? I don't think so.

Her and her mommy, Allie, met me to do Harley's Kindergarten photo shoot. And she came with her own props! What 5 year old does that???? haha
As we walked to the location where we were going to take her photos, we got to know each other a little better. She said she was a big sister, thus the choice in book she brought. She said she loves to read but right now this was her favorite book.
Then she told me that she had just had her birthday party and it was a Scooby Doo birthday and she dressed up as Velma...this is where the glasses came in...haha She doesn't normally wear them but she wanted them for her school pictures!
This girl has so much personality! I'm so glad that I can share this in this weeks' challenge...

Who's Face do you {HEART}? Join me over at I Heart Faces for their weekly photo challenges!
Photo Challenge Submission