Saturday, January 7, 2012

Project {366} - week in review

It is Twenty-12 and one of the things {not resolution!} I would like to accomplish this year is to take one picture every day...kind of a peek into my life...What has helped me to accomplish this is my handy dandy DroidX phone camera ~ not all but some and it has been a great help...Pictures aren't the greatest when taken on my phone but at least they get done :) and thats the most important. Each week I am hoping to also post a week in review of all my pics for the week...So here's the first of 52 weeks for 2012...
Today was Emma's she is with her sweet family embracing her with {LOVE}!
Trevor started the braces process...a new definition of poor baby!
My sweet hubby brought me this adorable Hello Kitty blankie back from his business trip...he spoils me! Had it out on our bed so that I was surprised when I walked in! Just love that man of mine!
My new iMac! no words to even say how happy I was when it arrived! I think my voice went two octaves higher! haha
I was reminded why I believe that pictures are worth more than the paper they are printed on...they are priceless memories~20 years of my family's history are in these books...
my green Hello Kitty that sits on my desk...she just makes me smile!
Started the new year with a relaxing cup of hot cocoa at the end of a very busy day!
Hope you all have a wonderful week...and don't forget to capture those priceless memories as often as you can <3

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