Saturday, January 14, 2012

Project {366} - week in review

Just a recap of Week 2 of 52...It has been a fun and busy week as always around here.
With resting my foot, I had lots of time to plan for the workshop. I had this great idea and I wanted to see in person what was in my brain. Not everything was exactly like in my mind's eye...but just by gathering some stuff around my house I was able to put this cute display together...
Friday the 13th was busy but nothing out of the ordinary until doing a photo shoot for Michael's band Broken Elements. I stepped on a board that had a nail sticking up. It went thru my shoe and into my foot. A trip to Urgent Care...a shot and antibiotic and all better. Well it's sore still but at least nothing horribly wrong.
Went to Orange County with my sister to go visit with Grammy. I miss hanging out more often with her. She's so funny. We had a great time and we laughed a lot! Needed that!
I really was bummed that I didn't bring my camera with me this night. I had all intentions of doing so and taking a picture of all the little scouts in my class. I am a Merit Badge counselor for Boy Scouts. I teach photography (haha of course), Art, Music and Genealogy. This night I did genealogy and it was so much fun. About 15 or so boys ages 11 - 14 and they all participated and even seemed interested! I had a great time!
Kurt got an iPhone 4 for Christmas and I have my we have learned how to use the FaceTime (similar to Skype). It has made being apart much easier. He was being so funny...making faces...he made me feel so much better
Kurt was getting ready to head out for his business trip, so I wanted to take a pic real quick of the two of us...I feel so funny sometimes taking these kinds of pictures. We started cracking up. It reminded of me of those two older people that were setting up their computer and accidentally video taped themselves...ya we're old!
I started putting some ideas together for an upcoming "Mamaratzie" workshop. Got the camera out and snapped a few pics.

If you feel inspired...try joining me in a Project 366...or 52 or even a 12! Don't let time slip by without recording the important moments. Until next time...enjoy!

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