Sunday, March 4, 2012

VMHS Women's {waterpolo} ~ sports photography

My friend Stacie contacted me a couple weeks back to work on a little project for some of the girls on her daughter's water polo team...I was very excited because I had never photographed water this was going to be fun and interesting...
Well let me tell you...
These ladies were BEASTS!
I was blown away by their about multi tasking...
Just the fact that they didn't drown was amazing to me because I would definitely be being rescued! Football players have nothing on these girls!
I won't spill the surprise for the ladies that I'm doing a special project for but did want to share a couple of Stacie's daughter and my friend Kellie's daughter who is also on the team...both of the girls out of the pool are so amazingly beautiful young women...but it's amazing they rock it on the Varsity water polo team like they do!

this is Logan's angry face! lol

will post more of the other ladies once they get them...

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